Party of 5
Oh hey - it’s me, quietly adding to my journal as if it hasn’t been months and months since I’ve shared anything on here (eek!) I always have these high hopes of, “THIS IS THE MONTH I am going to start blogging because I have so many beautiful images I want to share!” and then, well, you’ve noticed the pattern - it just hasn't happened. I haven’t given up on my hope yet, though! I WILL find the time so I can share more regularly on here!
I’ve been quiet altogether on social media - just taking time for working on that ever so relatable “B” word…. Balance. I know it may seem backwards but the less you see me in your “newsfeed” it actually means the more busy I am. I have so many sessions, weddings, personal posts I am itching to share and they all add up all while I continue shooting and it just feels overwhelming that I shut down the social media.
…But I can’t keep quiet about this any longer - it finally feels safe and REAL to share with you that we are expecting our 3rd baby in just a few short months!!! God is good, we are so blessed and grateful to have this baby join our family who is eagerly awaiting to love and dote on! The boys have been asking for a baby, and they’ll be the first to tell you they want a little sister because in their words "we need 2 girls since there are 2 boys and that way you’re not the only girl mama!” (truthfully, it’s a dream being treated like a queen being surrounded by my husband, 2 sweet mama’s boys, and 2 fur baby boys!) So when we told them on my oldest son’s birthday that we are pregnant, it was priceless seeing their reaction of pure joy that they are both going to be big brothers!!! I mean seriously - look at these faces the moment they found out!
This baby has been on our hearts for years, and no matter how much we try to control our life and circumstances, God always reminds us that he has the perfect plan for our lives and we have had to meditate on that in times of uncertainty and devastating loss, especially in this season of our lives. Isn’t it amazing how much you can learn from children? It’s like they teach us the most valuable lessons in life. We need them just as much as they need us. And this little one has already taught me so much…. That it’s so so easy to get caught up in taking what we have for granted - but every time I feel this little love kick or I start to daydream about what life will be like when they’re here, I am reminded to slow down and be grateful for everything we have. So grateful. Every day is a gift - it truly is.
So we are soaking in these last few months of being a family of 4 and preparing for life as a party of 5! We told the boys that we wanted to share what the gender of the baby is by enjoying a walk on the farm to the “wedding field” where we got married and ending the evening with an ice cream cone! We said if the baby is a girl the ice cream will be pink, and if it’s a boy it will be blue! You’ll just have to scroll through to find out! :-D
Mason saying “It’s a BOY!!!!!” So so cute!!!
They couldn’t wipe the smiles off their faces!
You know they’re so excited when they forget what to do with ice cream! They couldn’t stop staring at it and saying BOY!!!!
“That’s ok! Next baby can it be a girl??”
IT’S A BOY!!!!!! Of course a girl would have been a new adventure for all of us but for now I am relishing in the fact that I will have 3 baby boys who call me their mama. What a blessing and an honor. Lord knows we need more good men out there and I don’t take that job lightly. I promise to do my best to raise gentlemen who are honest, hard working, care for this earth and every living thing on it.