Have you bought a journal and then wondered what on earth you’re going to write in it for the first entry? That’s exactly how I’m feeling right now. I have been wanting to share more images with you (and some more behind the scenes because I have always found those most interesting) but I’m sitting here listening to my boys play together (talking in their super cute voices that still sound like my little babies) with hundreds of sessions in my mind that I want to share with you. But which one first? What genre? I love them all…. Where do I begin?
Ah. I know. I gain inspiration from my own family. It’s what started this journey. This first post is dedicated to my boys. ALL of them. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without the amazing support and love from my husband, Greg. He is the chocolate chip to my mint ice cream. ;-) In all seriousness - God definitely made this marriage, and I’m thankful He has given me a wonderful partner in life that shares the same joys as I do and wants the best for me and our family. He has been the best husband and father I could ask for. Our boys are another gift from God. Being their mama has rocked my world. I am so thankful I can be home with them to raise them and watch them learn and grow. It’s because of them that I connect so deeply with other children and families to document their love stories. I know just how important every present moment is. I am always trying to slow down time. Every day our children wake up that much older, smarter, stronger, bigger. Because of this, I have been on a fierce mission to be the best mom and wife that I can be. This means BEING there for them. This past year was amazing. I was blessed to be your photographer. I loved working with each and every person, all in different stages of their lives. From new parents, to grandparents. It was really beautiful. And my business grew leaps and bounds. I have you to thank for this. Seriously, thank you so much for your trust in my art and allowing me to capture such important moments in your lives. Thank you.
In a perfect world, there was something missing, one very important thing. Time with my family. I learned that I need to B A L A N C E this amazing business with being the best wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter, etc. I was saying YES! YES! YES! to every opportunity that came my way. I was missing birthday parties, date nights, days, vacations, so that I could work to pay the bills that come along with running a business. I have invested so much time and money into my education to be the best photographer I can be so that you can have amazing images to look back at, but after all that work and money I invested, all I was doing was providing a link to just digitals that just sit on a computer. I get it - we live in a world where social media prevails. But what about our children? When they grow up and want to go through albums of their childhood, are we really going to get around to going through the 1000’s of photos on our old computers to print them out? With today’s world of go, go, go - we don’t have time to print our digitals. So they sit on our phone, and on our computer. For me, I’m on a fierce mission to start printing these photos of my children. Hanging them on my walls where we all get to see them everyday. Investing in the quality of the prints and canvases so that when they are starting their own families and buying their own homes I can gift these pieces of art of their childhood to them to hang in their homes. These memories and moments that we’ve frozen in time forever are priceless. And this year I really want to bring this experience to you. It’s time to admire your portraits on the wall, or in an album, not on a screen.
So to start the new year, I have ordered an album of some of my favorite photos of all my boys. These images were taken last Father’s Day, 2017. These photos mean the world to me, and as the years fly by, they will only become more meaningful. I’m so thankful for these boys, and the ability to capture their authentic selves. This year we will be continuing to homeschool with them. I am dedicated and excited to join them in their journey of discovering who they are and all that this amazing world has to offer them. This means I will be taking on a limited amount of sessions and weddings every month. I also am taking on a limited amount because I want each and every person to get the best golden aura experience. I want to spend time with each of you to learn about you and those you love so that I can capture the true you. I will be spending much more time with you as a client to insure your experience is an amazing memory you talk about for years to come, and have the photos on display to prove it. Who is gonna join me in changing the way we view our portraits? If you are looking to have handheld keepsakes, wall art, and/or albums, I’m your girl.
Thank you for your time, your love, and encouragement. I’m thankful for you!